8 Date Nights for Empty Nesters. Now that the kids are grown and out of the house take some time to go on a grown up date and rekindle your relationship.
Go to a winery
Take a picnic with you and make sure there are no peanut butter sandwiches in sight. Instead pack some cheese, meats and crackers or french bread. (Please make sure one person is the designated driver)
Go to a museum
One with fine art and not hands on activities. (Although, if you love this kind of stuff, then go hang out there too!) Hold hands and make sure you sit at the benches and discuss what you like and don’t like about the art you are seeing.
Take a class together
Go to a couple of cooking classes together. It has been fun to spend time together in the kitchen and then get a chance to eat what we make. Don’t want to cook? How about knitting, sewing, skiing or any other sport.
Join a group of people with the same interests
Ideas include: book club, card games, gardening clubs, etc. Not only will you meet new friends, but you may find out that you really love backgammon or whatever it is you try.
Do something risky
learn to rock climb, scuba dive or sky dive. I wanted to learn to sky dive when my daughter was about 2. My Father scolded me and asked, “What would happen to your daughter if something happened to you?” I always had those words in the back of my head when I thought I needed to do something a bit crazy. Now that my daughter is grown, I don’t worry about that so much. Being risky raises the feel good chemical called dopamine. You will feel great about yourself and your partner when you are being a little risky.
Go to see your favorite sports team play
And I don’t mean one that one of your grandchildren is in. I enjoy doing this because it gives me a chance to yell loudly and no one thinks they are getting into trouble.
Eat out
I know you can go out to eat whenever you want, but do you try new foods? Go to an Indian restaurant. How about sushi? What types of foods would your children never eat? That is where you want to go.
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